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Barney Fife: "Uh, sheriff, I, uh, I have something to say. Now men, I have just one thing to say. This isn't gonna be kids' stuff.
Andy Taylor: "Uh, Barney."
Fife: "Sheriff, if you don't mind. Now, there won't be room for any mistakes out there. One mistake is one too many, and you'll each be on your own. There'll be no mollycoddling. That badge means something. Don't any of you disgrace it."
Floyd Lawson: "I won't, sir."
Fife: "Did you have permission to talk?"
Lawson: "No, sir."
Fife: "What's your badge number?"
Lawson: "Three."
Fife: "All right, Three. Watch it! Now listen, men, and listen good. There's liable to be trouble out there today. We're liable to have folks among us who are here for more than just a good time, if you know what I mean. Now, the minute it looks like there's gonna be trouble, we got to nip it! Nip it in the bud! You got that? Let's hear it!"
Deputies: "Nip it!"
Deputy: "Sir? Make I ask something?"
Fife: "Badge number?"
Deputy: "Two."
Fife: "OK, Two, go ahead."
Deputy: "Are we gonna be armed?"
Fife: "No, I'm afraid not, gentlemen. I'm afraid there won't be any time to educate you men in the proper use of firearms. Somebody could get hurt. You see, if you're not familiar with firearms, these babies can go off. Now . . . [gun fires] uh, see what I mean? Now, I did that just to show you what could happen. That'll be all, men. Ten-four."
Andy Taylor: "Well, that's, uh, that's all, boys. Let's let's just get on out to the city line and welcome our guest of honor. Come on."
Fife: "All right, let's move! Hut, hut!" [laughter]